Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'll Never Be Depressed Again

What is the Acai Fruit?
Acai – Scientific Name: Euterpe Oleracea
The fruit is small, round and blackish purple. It looks like a grape, but smaller and darker. It has a big seed and very little pulp. Acai is widely used in energy drinks, ice cream, energy bars with granola, and mainly in Brazil the pulp is taken straight or used in juices.

Where is Acai found at?
The Acai tree is found in the Amazon rain forest which is located in Brazil.

Is this product Organic?
This product cannot be certified organic, but it is far better then organic since is part of the Amazon Rain Forest. The Rain Forest is untouched and the trees grow naturally for the thousands of years it has been there. There is no mass farming or mass production. Everything is grown as naturally as you can get, by the natives.

How do I use Acai?
Take two (2) capsule one (1) time per day seven (7) days a week. Follow the directions on the bottle for each product.

What benefits can I expect from Acai?
The following are just some of the reported benefits of taking Acai, results vary from person to person but benefits can be felt in 1-2 weeks of usage:

* Greater energy/stamina
* Eliminate depression
* Improved Mental Focus
* Better sleep
* All nutrients come from one berry
* Acai has more proteins then an average egg
* Acai has a high amount of lipids that gives you the energy of a raging bull.
* It is an all in one Multi-Vitamin Product; why take 15 or 20 capsules just to have the same vitamins found in just 2 capsules of Acai.
* Acai has essential minerals such as iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.
* Acai has all natural Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin C, Vitamin E (tocopherol)
* Improved sexual function
* Acai has been shown to have up to 33 times the Antocyanine (a powerful Anti-Oxidant) then red wine grapes.
* Acai has a high level of fibers that is good for elderly and for people who have problems with digestive organs.
* Acai has two essential fatty acids known as Omega 6 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (Oleic acid). Research shows that these fatty acids maintain normal cholesterol levels.
* Research has shown that these Anti-Oxidants help regulate normal cholesterol levels.
* Acai's Anti-Oxidant factors play a large role in maintenance of vascular cardiac system, which is important for better blood circulation.
* Acai is considered one of the richest nutritive fruits from the Amazon or the world for that fact.
* An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contractions and regeneration.
* More bio-active then liquid freeze dried versions of Acai
* Very low Sugar content for a fruit
* Cleansing and Detoxing your body
* Boost your Immune System

What are the capsules made of?
The capsules used to capsulate the Acai product is made of a natural plant base. It is Kosher certified, vegan certified and Halal certified.

How much of the product is pure Acai?
This product is 100% pure Acai with no added ingredients and it is an Extract not just a powder.

What difference does an Extract make to a powder?
Our Acai is a pure 2 to 1 ratio Extract. This means that it takes more then 2 kilos of pure pulp to make 1 kilo of our extract. Thus giving you the customer the most benefits for your money. Powders is a basic processing that involves the pulp being made in a 1 to 1 ratio and dried. This process is not as bio-active and contains less benefits.

What makes this product better then the current pulp liquids on the market?
Here are the reasons why:

* The pulp liquid is a freeze dried Acai that is no longer as bio active as the extract.
* It takes four (4) kilos of Pulp to make one (1) kilo of our Extract.
* Most liquids need to be refrigerated
* It is not pure Acai, most of the liquid products are mixed with other ingredients and stimulates to give you that extra buzz.
* It is inconvenient to purchase when you need to go the market every day for 30 days to get your needed vitamins.
* The liquid can get costly, the liquid products are almost 3 times the cost per month as our capsule product. This provides you the consumer an added savings so you can go enjoy your new found energy.

Who can use the Acai capsule product?
According the studies done on the product, everyone can use the product. However, people who are pregnant or children should check with their physicians before taking the product.

Why is Acai Product so Effective?
In order to obtain a healthy Acai, the most important is the quickness in the time between the harvest and the processing. Our products are processed the same date by a Pharmaceutical lab that is FDA approved. The product is extracted within 24 hours of being picked from the Acai trees.

What is the relation to Red Wine and Anti-Oxidants?
The Acai is very rich in Anthoyanins, and antioxidant substance that help fight the cholesterol and free radical. Have you ever heard that a glass of red wine everyday is good for the heart? This is because of the Anthocyanins in the grape. It is not by accident that the color of the Acai is similar to the color of red wine, although the Acai has 33 times more Anthocyanins than the grape. The Anthocyanins is also a strong natural coloring.

Other Facts about Acai:

* Acai is a dense source of particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins (red-blue phenols with potent antioxidant properties)
* Anthocyanins are a group of phytochemicals in red wine thought to contribute to the "French paradox", i, e. France has one of the lowest incidences of heart disease of any westernized society despite a prevalence of smoking and a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol (5). Acai pulp contains 10-30 times the anthocyanins of red wine per equal volume (1).
* The primary anthocyanin in .Acai is cyanidin-3 glucoside (1), Cyanidin-3- glucoside has been found to be 3.5 times stronger than Trolox (vitamin E analogue) and the predominate anthocyanin found in red wine (nalvadin-3-glucoside) in an ORAC analysis (measure of antioxidant capacity) (2).
* Anthocyanins have been found to "exhibit numerous potential therapeutic effects including treatment of diabetic retinopathy and fibrocystic disease of the breast in human" (2). "Other potential physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation ­protective, chemopratective, vasoprotective and anti-inflammatory agents" (2),
* The fatty acid ratio of Acai resembles that of olive oil, which is thought to be a contributing factor to the low incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean populations (1, 5),
* 60% Oleic (Omega 9) a monounsaturated, essential fatty acid, helps lower LDL (harmful cholesterol) while maintaining HDL, (beneficial cholesterol) levels (5).
* 12% Linoleic (Omega 6) a polyunsaturated, essential fatty acid, has been found to lower both LDL and HL levels (5).
* Fatty acids aid in the transport and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins ice. Vitamins A, E, D, and K(3).
* Acai contains valuable phytosterols
* Sterols are components of plant cell membranes providing numerous benefits to the human body, namely the reduction of blood plasma cholesterol (5)
* Sterols are currently being used to treat symptoms associated with BP.
For more info on this product and a FREE SAMPLE Click Here

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to Find a Mate And Save Buck

The Joy of Finding that Someone Special

There is not a better feeling then falling in love, knowing that there is a person that wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them. For centuries this is the way it’s been, people have looked for a mate a friend a companion that they could enjoy life with, and I don’t think that will ever change, and the fact that your reading this is proof of my point. Have you ever thought about how we go about it? At least most of the time, it’s an accident? The most important thing you may ever accomplish in your life, finding a mate to spend it with, and for the most part most of us just accidently run into a person that just somehow decides that we are the one? That’s crazy! I put more effort into planning dinner? Can you see some reason why we have not evolved into a more appropriate system? Maybe because of technology, or tradition, or maybe just because were lazy and we want everything handed to us on a silver platter and that’s just the way it is! Why does love need to be an accident or a magical thing? How’s that working for you anyway? I say it’s time you looked at a better system and that is called selective choice. If you buy a car, ok this is a bad example, but here goes, you would get a paper look at the deals, dream a little, make a call, talk to your friends about the decision, take a few weekends to travel around and look at the big city car lots, because they have the best deals and selection of course, and oh yah it’s fun! Then you would most surely hit the internet to look at Craigslist, and Ebay, all the sites where great selection and opportunity exist, right? Ok, so why do we take a thing like love, and finding a person to spend your life with so haphazardly? So disrespectfully? You might not like my example, and forgive me for that poor choice, but I hope you see my point. It’s time to do it differently than your great grandpa or grandmother did it. They didn’t have the world to choose from, you do. We have travel opportunities that our relatives only dreamt of, and I’m not referring to the military, we have communication tools, like phone, videos, and internet. If you’re lazy well I can’t help you, but if you’re willing to make an effort, you can do it, but it will take some work and time, but in the end you can say, I found the person I love with an effort, and a vision, I sought them out because I’m willing to do whatever it takes! Ok little over the top, but you get my point.
For More info on this CLICK HERE. Great things happen when you make an effort to succeed, just ask anyone who has succeeded!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to buy a car

It’s a buyer’s market right now they say, but if you don’t have a job, what then? Lots of people have great credit and they can buy what they want when they want it, but if you’re like thousands of other Americans right now your laid off or just out of work, the problem is life goes on and you need a good car to get you around, maybe to look for a job or to get you kids to school. So here are a few simple things to keep in mind if you’re looking for a car loan.
1. Be realistic about the price range of the auto.
2. Get your info together before you look, know your credit score before you shop.
3. Don’t let everyone run your credit that can cost you points that you need.
4. Don’t get emotionally attached to your auto before you finish the deal; be prepared to walk out of the dealership at least once if the deal doesn’t work for you.
5. Make them work for the deal.
Another real issue is the down payment, car dealers need this cash to make the deal work but they have other places to get the cash that they don’t talk about too much. If you don’t have cash for the down payment then look for a dealer offering cash back, they can use this for the down payment so you keep yours! I’m not saying you can’t buy without cash but it’s going to come up every time. If your credit score is over 700 then you can do just about whatever you want but if your below 680 then maybe not. It’s true that it can be a hassle but unless you have cash to buy the auto you want out right then you have to play the game.

99% Approval Auto Loans !

With all the economic challenges its been hard for some to get the auto loan they need. So I went on a quest to find a solution, Im not saying its the only or best way to go but if you need a auto loan period and terms can be flexible then this company might work with you. Take a look by clicking the banner below and good luck

Monday, March 16, 2009

Free Gas Cards, fact or fiction?

Have you seen the free $250.00 dollar gift card phenomenon? It’s everywhere, all over Google and the internet, I’m just like you I have to go work, do my job and make a living and right now the last thing I need is some company trying to pull one over on me! I work hard for every dollar I earn and I’m always looking for a way to save one as well, I’m a thrifty person that always looks for the best deals at the grocery stores, I don’t really care about brand names and that kind of stuff, I have a family to take care of so I was really serious about finding the truth connected to this free gas card thing, I figured if I could get one then that’s like cash in the bank! But is it real? I was lucky enough to have a friend tell me how she started receiving these free gas cards and how it all works. So I’m going to make this real easy for you so you can start asap receiving your gas cards too! Ok here it goes, these days you have to be real clever if you’re going to stay in business, and thousands of companies across the country have had to come up with some the most creative marketing strategies that you’ll likely not see again for a very long time, you see they found a way to reward buyers buy solving a problem for them that was an everyday problem, gas prices! It’s called an incentive, they will put a group of products or services together and offer then for you to try and many times for free, then those companies products will get great exposure and in return for trying the products they will send you a free gas card! They are essentially paying you to try a product or service and paying you with something like a gas card or gift card just depending on the company. Get used to seeing these kinds of marketing strategies because they are the future of advertising, and the sooner you start cashing in on it the better! I figured the worst thing that could happen is I’ll get a bunch of great products I would have bought at the store for free and that’s it. I know there are tons of gas card ads out there so I’ve done the work for you and I’m providing my results of the best gas card website here. Hope this helps good luck!

Free samples, Fact or Fiction?

I’ve come across dozens of websites promoting everything from free gas cards, to free food! I was always told as a child if it sounds too good to be true it probably is, and that’s the rule I’ve always followed, but now I’m facing a real dilemma because so many people are talking about how they have received all these great free products, and I couldn’t ignore it anymore, so I decided to do my own investigating and get to the bottom of this once and for all. The first real question I had was how can any company give away their product or service for free and stay in business? After all isn’t the goal in business to make a profit? Ok, then how was this possible? As I researched the issue several answers began to come to the surface that I had never seen, as I said before how can these companies remain profitable by giving away gas cards, samples, and free stuff and not make a dime? The answer is they can’t, that’s right they can’t do it, at least not for very long. The fact is this, over the years there has been a trend that almost every industry has come to realize, and it’s that if the consumer doesn’t get to try the product risk free, they are very likely to never try it at all. For example; everyone’s been to Costco, have you seen the free food booths where you can taste the new cookie mix or sample a chicken wing? It’s the same thing. How about America’s favorite TV show Extreme Home Makeover, that’s right, Sears always gives away a Pro Series kitchen, that’s 1000’s of dollars, week after week! It’s the same thing They have to let people get a look and feel for their products, so with this in mind it’s not hard to understand that hundreds of companies have decided that their advertising dollars are best spent by giving their products away, especially if they have a product that will sell itself once its experienced. Keeping this in mind, when you have an opportunity to get a free sample of anything you know that the company believes that their product is the best, and if you get to sample it you’ll continue to buy it, and this holds true for coupons, gift cards, free samples, and sample clubs etc. I’ve changed the way I think about the whole free sample opportunity and have since come across some really awesome ways to test free samples of the best products out there, if this interests you and if you would like to get started doing the same thing I did then click here and you too will soon be enjoying all of the best that our industry has to offer consumers like you!

How to solve your visa debt problem

I can speak first hand on this subject because I’ve been through it from beginning to end. A few short years ago I was running my own business in the construction industry, I had up to 30 employees and was earning several hundred thousand dollars a month, everything was running along fine, booming actually, I spent money on whatever I wanted, took several luxury vacations a year with my family, owned 7 cars, two BMW’s, 3 new Toyota’s, and a couple of others I can’t recall what they were. I had 3500 ft. home filled with all the best of everything, and at Christmas I would go crazy and buy all four of my kids new laptops, cameras, video stuff, and of course I would get a few nice things too. I think you see my point, I was making a lot of money and I knew how to get rid of it as well. It can be a real fantasy when you’re seeing all the cash pouring in everyday and you think it will never end. I could never have known that all at once things would change as they do for everyone at one point or another, for me my partner at the time was also my brother had a sudden and life ending heart attack, we didn’t take the time to sign the life insurance papers that had been sitting on my desk for two weeks! That had all kinds of ramifications that I had never thought of, for one thing I became overwhelmed with the responsibilities of doing it all, and on top of that I was burned out and tired. The costs associated with that tragedy led me to decide to sell the company, I was fortunate to find a buyer quickly, so I walked thinking I was free! After the costs associated with selling a business and after the taxes were paid I ended up with a problem I still had all the cars and houses and toys to pay for not to mention a life style that was expensive but the cash flow was now gone. It was a tough time and I needed help all the credit card bills kept coming and about that time the real estate market crashed and I lost 100k of value in my home so I couldn’t sell it, I had to make a decision and soon. I began looking at my options to deal with the debt I had and soon found dozens of company’s out there that deal with credit card debt, revolving credit cards, and that type of thing, but I was totally confused about the differences between debt consolidation, and debt cancellation. There were so many things in the credit industry I was unaware of but I had no one to talk to and I didn’t want all my friend or even my family to know how serious the situation was because I was embarrassed and shocked myself. Eventually I did come across a few good companies that gave me the time and help I needed, and worked with me by taking all the information and helped me make the best decisions possible at that time, they ended up working directly with my creditors to eliminate the debt and really took a huge burden off me. In times when you’re under financial strain you need to have real professionals advice and counseling, don’t try to deal with it alone there are loopholes and laws to protect you and help you out of the situation you now face. There is hope and help on the other side of where you are but you have to make the next step and get started by getting in touch with a company like the one I’m providing for you here, there are many others but this is the one I recommend, good luck and I hope this will help.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Refunding is an excellent way to maximize savings available to shoppers. It is also a great way to accumulate a lot of paper mess unless you have a system intact to keep things organized.

All refund forms will list what is required in order to qualify for the refund. The most common Qualifiers (or proofs-of-purchases) is the UPC code and/or the original cash register receipt with the item circled or highlighted. Therefore, good refunders save everything - all the UPC codes off of the packaging of their purchases and every cash register receipt. Why? Because you never know when a refund will be offered for products you have already purchased.

Refund forms come in all sizes as do the pieces of the proof-of-purchase packaging you may need to send in with your forms. By starting off with a good filing system, you will be able to get your hands on what you need, when you need it.

Don't Invest In Fancy Organizational Tools

Keep the organizational tools simple and use what you already own. Shoe boxes, recycled envelopes and ziplock bags and paperclips are all that is really needed, especially when you first begin refunding. Expensive filing containers will quickly dip into your refunding money.

Organization Tips

  • Place file dividers into a shoebox, Label them for each month and one as "Expiration Unknown".

  • Separate your forms by month then alphabetize them by product name within the month.

  • Set a day to check through your file. I usually do it the day before I go shopping. Toss out any unused expired forms. It is important to keep this file clean and free of unusable forms. It will grow quickly.

  • Before you go shopping, browse your file and mark on your grocery list the items and the specifics (size, quantity) you will need to purchase to receive the rebate.

  • Follow the rebate instructions to the letter. The rebate and refund police are real sticklers for details.

  • Be prepared to have items rung up separately if the rebate calls for the original receipt. Many offers require that now so keep that in mind as you place those items into your shopping cart.

Tip: When first starting off, use a broad labelling system. More detailed labeling will develop over time. Refer to this Category Labeling Chart for ideas on how to seperate your files.

Keeping A Handle on the Proof-of-Purchase Requirements

  • Remember to keep the entire label from a product you are rebating. You may need the UPC code one time and the weight another time.

  • Teach your family to help you by demonstrating to them how to remove labels, flatten boxes, remove plastic outer covers, and save receipts.

  • Designate a specific place for your labels, boxes and proof of purchases to go.

  • On a regular basis, organize your materials into separate boxes.

  • Label the boxes depending on the items such as: canned labels, boxed labels, Rx labels, and laundry labels, miscellaneous.

  • File alphabetically into each box.

This basic system will help you get started. As you become more involved in the refunding process you will develop your own system.

Be Smart

Store Brands - Try it, You May Like It
The days of generic type packaging and bland tasting food in store brand products is over. Companies have worked hard to improve their private-label brands and often the taste is equal to the national brands. Do not be afraid to experiment. If you find the product meets your standards, you can save an average of 40 percent off your annual grocery bill.

Setting Limits on Impulse Buying
Avoiding spontaneous shopping trips is one of the best deterrents to impulse buying. Sticking to a well thought-out shopping list will help will help cut down on grabbing for things that you do not need. In addition, giving yourself enough time to shop will help prevent dashing in and reaching for the first item that you come to. Setting a dollar limit for impulse buying will help soothe cravings without busting the budget.

Comparison Shopping
To determine the true value of a product read the unit price, not just the package price. The unit price information is usually on a sticker located on the shelf that holds the item. The package price only tells you the cost of the entire item. The unit price shows the cost per pound, ounce, etc. Taking a moment to compare this information in similar products will help you get the best value for your dollar. Also, be certain to check "expiration" and "use by" dates to insure you are buying the freshest products.

Beware of Marketing Strategies
Avoid marketing ploys designed to draw your attention to a particular product. Knowing some of the tricks of the trade will ultimately save you money. Beware of end-of-the-aisle dump bins, island displays, recipe related item placement and middle-shelf items. This is typically where higher priced and impulse products are placed.

Learn to Be a Label Reader
Reading the product label is the best way to find out more than what is advertised on the box. Ingredients are listed in order by the quantity actually used when making the product. The ingredients used in the highest quantity are listed first. For example, if you are looking for avocado dip you will want to see avocadoes listed in the first part of the ingredient list, not the last part.

If you are looking to cut fat from your diet, be careful of words such as "lite" or "fat-free" which can have broad definitions. By reading the label you can get a better idea of what the fat-to-calorie ratio is as well as other valuable nutritional information.

Watch the Scanner
It may mean you need to put down the magazine, because this is no place to get lax. Keeping your eyes peeled to the scanner has dual advantages. First, it will keep the cashier more alert. Secondly, it will allow you to stop the checkout process if an item is showing the incorrect price. Keeping the store circular nearby is also helpful in disputing an incorrect price. You can also ask the cashier to stop ringing while you accompany the employee to the aisle to check the price of an item.

Learn how to save money. If you shop smart, you can live on a tight budget and still have a healthy diet. Get the most out of your food dollar by adopting the following practices.

  1. Don’t shop when you are hungry! You are likely to buy more food when you are hungry. Instead, have a small snack before you go grocery shopping.

  2. Make a grocery list before you go the store. Buy only what is on the grocery list.

  3. Choose the grocery store that will give you the most for your money. You usually have to pay higher prices in convenience stores. Supermarkets will nearly always have lower prices than small stores, because they can buy their stock in larger quantities.

  4. Compare prices by using cost per unit of various foods. The “Unit Price” is usually listed on the grocery shelf. The unit price is the cost of the item per ounce, quart, gallon, pound, or any other unit of measure.

  5. Buy store brands instead of highly advertised brands to save money. Store brands are often just as good quality as the name brands.

  6. Instant nonfat dry milk usually costs less per serving than fresh milk and can save you a great deal of money if you use it for cooking or drinking. Mix it half and half with fresh milk for drinking and get the flavor of fresh milk.

  7. Buy milk in gallon or half-gallon containers because they are usually less expensive per cup than quarts or pints. Get the largest size you can use in four to five days.

  8. Buy bulk or store-brand cheese instead of the pre-sliced, individually wrapped cheese. Individually wrapped cheese slices are more expensive than cutting your own slices. Often the bulk cheese is better for you because it has more calcium in it than the pre-sliced, individually wrapped cheese.

  9. Compare the cost per serving and NOT cost per pound when you are comparing the cost of meat. Sometimes a piece of boneless, lean meat may be a better buy than a cut of meat with a lot of fat and bone that is a lower price per pound.

  10. Buy chicken and turkey instead of red meat because it is usually less expensive. Chicken and turkey can be a better buy because they contain more protein and less fat than many other meats. Be sure to look at the number of portions when checking the price per pound.

  11. Save money by purchasing a whole chicken and cutting it into parts yourself.

  12. The less tender cuts of beef such as round, chuck, and shoulder are less expensive, but are as nutritious as the more tender cuts. Cook them right – braise or stew – and they are just as delicious.

  13. Ground beef (hamburger) is usually a good buy, if it is fairly lean. Extra-lean ground beef will yield more meat when cooked. It is also lower in calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol than regular ground beef.

  14. Buy a pork loin roast and cut it into pork chops. It is often cheaper to buy a large cut of meat and divide it into several meals or servings than to buy the component cuts separately.

  15. Compare the cost of medium and large eggs. If the price of large eggs is more than 7 cents above the medium, medium size are the best buy.

  16. Fresh fruits and vegetables are low-priced when they are in season, but buy only what you can use before they spoil. If not in season, canned and frozen vegetables and fruits may be cheaper than fresh ones. Plus, recent studies show they are very good sources of vitamins and minerals.

  17. Make your own cakes, pies, cookies, muffins, etc. from scratch at home. Mixes and convenience products usually cost more. Ask an Extension agent or program assistant to give you recipes for making your own mixes.

  18. Eat hot cereals instead of ready-to-eat cereals. Hot cereals cost less per serving than ready-to-eat cold cereals. Also, buy your cereal in a large container or box to save money instead of buying individual-serving-size boxes of cereal.

  19. Buy regular enriched rice and other cereals instead of the instant or precooked form.

  20. Pasta (macaroni, spaghetti, noodles) is a good buy for price and good nutrition. Plain shapes of pasta are usually less expensive than fancy shapes. Whole grain is higher in fiber than white, although it may cost more.